A. Crosby Kennett Middle School
Home of the Eagles
Announcements and Important Events
Posted 1 month ago @ 1:50PM
Click below to Register your 7th or 8th grader for a Fall sport at Kennett Middle School:
There are 5 easy steps to have your student-athlete signed up and ready to go for the first practice:
1. Register for a sport by clicking HERE. This sign up form will give coaches and the school contact info for the season.
2. Fill out the paper Kennett Middle School Activity Permission forms are due at KMS by Monday, August 12th. Click HERE to read and fill out the permission forms.
3. Obtain proof of physical for your athlete and fax or bring it to KMS - Deadline extended to 8/12.
4. Attend ImPACT Testing for the appropriate sport in early August. Schedule Here. This is an online cognitive test for all incoming 7th graders or new, untested 8th graders. It is a pass/fail test and must be taken successfully before a student-athlete can participate in a game or practice. *Athletes will need to know their address and parent contact info for ImPact testing.
5. Sign up for www.GoKMS alerts if you have not done so already. Be sure to select each level and sport per season or update your sports/settings. This should be done #1 so that you know when the starting dates are announced and stay up to date with all KMS Sports info: https://gokms.com/fans/favoritesForm
See you soon,
Go Eagles!
Registration will close August 2nd, so please don't wait to sign up! https://forms.gle/ATpP4hfFSDsyLsGk7