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A. Crosby Kennett Middle School

Home of the Eagles


A. Crosby Kennett Middle School

Home of the Eagles

A. Crosby Kennett Middle School

Home of the Eagles

A. Crosby Kennett Middle School

Home of the Eagles

Announcements and Important Events


Posted 4.0 years ago @ 6:36PM

Parents: Before your child can participate...


Before your child can participate in a conditioning session or practice once school begins, please make sure you have done these 5 Steps:

Step 1:  Signed up your child for a KMS Fall sport - see Google Form

Step 2: You MUST sign the online permission forms for your child via PowerSchool  – click Forms tab on  the left and then season-appropriate Registration:


Step 3: Be sure we have a copy of a valid Physical Examination form on file at KMS from your child’s doctor


Step 4: Impact Testing must be done for all incoming 7th graders and new, untested 8th graders prior to the first practice/conditioning session.   Please email Gredel Shaw if your child has not been tested.  If you were tested as 7th grader last year, you do not need to retake the test.

Step 5: Reach out to your child's coach about attending (or not attending) the upcoming Conditioning Sessions (contact info is listed on the GoKMS website –  click on announcement about Conditioning Sessions). 

See you soon!

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