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A. Crosby Kennett Middle School

Home of the Eagles


A. Crosby Kennett Middle School

Home of the Eagles

A. Crosby Kennett Middle School

Home of the Eagles

A. Crosby Kennett Middle School

Home of the Eagles

Announcements and Important Events


Posted 2.0 years ago @ 12:32PM

ImPACT Test info, Parent Meeting Reminder, & Steps to complete registration - 8/11

Hello Parents, Guardians and Student- athletes,

The start of the  KMS Fall sports season is right around the corner. Please take a moment to read the info below so that your athlete is ready to go when needed.

Information for the 2022 Kennett Middle School Fall Sports Season

There will be a Parent Meeting in mid August at Kennett Middle School. Parents & guardians are urged to attend. Fall coaches will be there to meet with parents and answer any questions. A full August schedule is available at under the Files & Links tab.

ImPACT Testing schedule is listed below. All 7th grade athletes and untested 8th grade athletes must take an online ImPACT test. If you took and passed this test last year as a 7th grader, you do not need to retake the test. This online cognitive assessment test takes approximately 40 minutes and is a pass/fail test. This is required for all athletes in grades 7-12 every 2 years, beginning in 7th grade. Students should arrive at the KMS Cafeteria 10 minutes prior to their sport ImPACT testing time. Parents can wait or return at the end to pick up their student. Contact KMS Athletic Coordinator Gredel Shaw if you cannot make your sport testing time.


5 easy steps to have your student-athlete signed up and ready to go for the first practice:

1. Register for a sport on the Google Sign Up Form if you have not done so already. This link is also available on This sign up form will give coaches and the school contact info for the season.

2. Fill out the Fall Activity Permission forms - you will need to pick up paper copies at schol or download and print off the PAPER KMS Activity Code and permission forms at under Files & Links, the read, sign and return them to school. "No permission Forms, No Practice".

3. Provide proof of physical for your athlete. A physical must be valid within 2 years and be on file with school before the start of the season or handed in at the first practice. "No Physical, No Practice".

4. Identify the ImPACT testing schedule if you are a 7th grader or new, untested 8th grader. Mark your calendar or contact KMS Athletic Coordinator Gredel Shaw if you cannot make it on that day. This must be done before your student-athlete can participate in a practice. "No ImPACT, No Practice".

5. Sign up for www.GoKMS alerts if you have not done so already. Click here to sign up or update your sports/settings.

A Proof of Physical Exam must be submitted to school by Friday, August 12th. The Proof of a physical is required in order to participate in KMS athletics. If your child does not have a current physical once practice starts, he/she cannot participate. Please be sure make an appointment with your child’s doctor as soon as possible to avoid delay in participation. Physicals are good for 2 years. A sport physical form in available online at under the “Files & Links” tab. Tip for Parents: Please make copies of your physical. Do not hand in your original.

A full August schedule can be found at under the Files & Links tab.

Sign up for Alerts! Don’t miss an update or when practice dates are announced. Go to now to create your account. Click "JOIN" in the upper right corner of your screen. IMPORTANT: Be sure to click on the “Email Alerts” tab then "My Account Information" and work within the "My Account Information, My Favorites/Alerts and My Content" links and be sure to add Kennett Middle School, then choose your child's sports and grades/levels. If you do not select these things, you WILL NOT receive notifications. Be sure to update the grade and season with each school year, as needed.


Go Eagles!

Gredel Shaw

KMS Athletic Coordinator

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