A. Crosby Kennett Middle School

Home of the Eagles

Girls Middle School Field Hockey

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KMS Field Hockey info for players and parents from Coach Bitty

Updated on 06/10/2022

Good Morning Field Hockey Player and Parents!


I hope you are all having a wonderful and relaxing summer! I cannot believe that the new school year is upon us, which means field hockey is just around the corner! A few things before we start the season..


On Wednesday, August 14th at 6:30 pm there will be a parent information night in the KMS gymnasium for parents of all Kennett Middle School students that are interested in playing a fall sport this year at KMS. Parents/guardians and players are encouraged to attend, there will be important information given about the season, practices and expectations. You will also be able to ask myself and other coaches, or  Athletic Coordinator Gredel Shaw questions that you may have before the start of the season. 


ImPact Testing for field hockey players will take place Monday, August 19th at

10:45 AM – students will meet in the KMS Cafeteria. 


  • All medical forms, ImPact testing and an updated physical MUST be turned in by player/parent the first day of practice in order for them to participate. Players are not allowed to participate in practice until all medical forms, ImPact testing and an updated physical are presented to coaches at parent night or first day of practice.


Practice will take place.. 

Tuesday, Aug. 20 th, Wednesday Aug. 21st & Thursday, Aug. 22nd 9:00-10:30am 

Aug. 26th & 27 th 4:00 – 5:30pm at KMS Field Hockey Field.


Pre-season practice will be focusing on conditioning, skills and drills. Field hockey is 90% running and endurance. This is a very important part of the game, each practice will begin with two lap warm around the field hockey field followed by dynamic warm ups and water break. After, all players (offense, defense and goalies) will be participating in a timed mile run. This is an expectation to help players build strength and endurance in a constant moving game.  If your player has not had time to get outside and be active - now is the time to encourage them to start. After our timed mile players will have a water break/rest period before breaking into skills and drills. 


Parents/guardian must be at KMS at 10:15 AM (Aug. 20th, 21st, 22nd) 5:15 PM (Aug. 26th & 27th) to pick up their player. If a player will be going home with another player’s parent/guardian - a note must be provided when player(s) arrive to practice. If for any reason you will be late in picking up your player please contact me ASAP (603) 662-7178.


I look forward to meeting new players and welcoming back last season players! 



Coach Bitty ????
